FZ FORZA Finnish Junior 2022
U19 level tournament, part of Badminton Europe Junior Circuit, Junior International Series
2022-09-28 update:
Cancelled. U19 Category will be played as a non-BE Junior Circuit tournament
FZ FORZA Finnish YOUTH 2022
International tournament for U11, U13, U15 and U17 classes, plus a less official U9 class for the youngest ones desiring to get their part of the great tournament spirit.
Major Changes in the Event
The Badminton Europe Junior Circuit tournament FZ FORZA Finnish Junior 2022 (U19) is cancelled. There were not enough entries to make it happen. Most probably the World Junior Championships in Spain at the same time were somehow affecting the interest to register to this tournament.
This means we will now put all our efforts to organize the FZ FORZA Finnish Youth (U9-U17) with an extra U19 category added to it, but not as BE circuit tournament. We already have a good number of teams from Estonia, Sweden and other countries booked their stay, so we see it will be a good international event.
We are also changing the venue from Otahalli to the Forever Matinkylä (Matinkartanontie 1, 02230 Espoo). Its 13 courts will set a great arena for this tournament. It is also much closer to the tournament hotel Matts.
We are keeping the initial schedule that the tournament will start on Friday, but earliest at 13:00. We will know in detail once the registration deadline is over (end of Friday 7.10.).
Registrations: foreign players by email using the Word form from our website, below. Finnish players directly on the Tournament Software.
DATE: 28.-30.10.2022
The tournament takes three days. Current estimate is that the first categories wills tart at 13:00 on Friday. The last matches should finish by 15:00 on Sunday.
VENUE: Forever Matinkylä
Matinkartanontie 1, 02230 Espoo, Finland (See in Google Maps) — this is ESB's main practice hall with 13 badminton courts designed just for badminton.
This year the tournament hotel is the brand-new Hotel Matts offering you either the standard double room option or spacious apartments with kitchens and perks like laundry and drying machines! Both options include the hotel breakfast! There's room up to five persons in one apartment -- perfect for teams and families.
The hotel is a walking distance (10 min) away from Forever Matinkylä, the venue.
We have a very good deal with Hotel Matts. Please email finnishjunior@gmail.com to get the pricing, booking code and instructions.
2022-09-28: they still have some rooms left, so do please ask for the booking code!
Invitation Details
Invitation to FZ FORZA Finnish Youth 2022:
Note the venue has changed to Forever Matinkylä, and is not Otahalli!
Reserve meals to be had at the hall latest on 21.10.2022
Reserve airport/ferry/hotel transportation using this form latest on 14.10.2022
VISA Application
Submit this form for us to handle latest on 29.9.2022
Finnish YOUTH
Foreign players, entries need to reach us by email before 7.10.2022 23:59 (GMT+3).
Finnish players register directly in
Tournament Software
The Badminton Europe Junior Circuit U19 tournament is cancelled -- a non-BE circuit tournament will be held instead.
The venue has changed from Otahalli to Forever Matinkylä.
Finnish U19 players, remember to register! Instructions here:
Ulkomaan kilpailuilmoittautumiset - Sulkapallo.fi
The 2022 tournament is in the calendar!
BadmintonEurope.com (badmintonpeople.com)
The official photos from FJ2021 by Jere Kokko:
Note about drinking water: We have in Finland the best tap water in the world. It is so good that we have companies bottling it here and exporting all over world. Please, bring your own drinking bottles to enjoy it!
Organizers: ESB & Badminton Finland
Tournament Manager Mr. Henrik Zilliacus, tel. +358 50 361 5193
Lead Organizer Mr. Matti Mäenpää, tel. +358 40 504 1182
e-mail: finnishjunior@gmail.com

See all pictures and videos from 2019 event: